Tuesday 8 March 2022

Autumn Chorus - The Village To The-Vale (2012)

GENRE : alternative rock, post rock, experimental, indie rock
RECORD LABEL : AltrOck Productions

To describe Autumn Chorus as an ''alternative rock band'' is a terrible injustice...yet it's probably the simplest and easiest way to sum up their sound, so I'll stick to it for the time being. Autumn Chorus was a 4-piece British alternative rock band, led by frontman Robbie Wilson who sadly passed away in 2016. 'Village To The-Vale' was their first and last album, and a breathtaking masterpiece that most people will never hear...which I find tragic.

I try to refrain using the word 'epic' these days, because it's such an overused word...but I can't help but describe this particular album as epic. It's powerful and delicate, sweeping and intimate, progressive and melodic, melancholy and sweet....it's a beautiful work of art. Autumn Chorus combines the best elements of post-rock, indie rock, progressive pop and modern classical. Within the sound you will likely identify the post-rock guitar licks of Explosions In The Sky, the high fragile vocal stylings of Radiohead, some of the pastoral lyrical themes of Midlake, and the soaring orchestral majesty of Sigus Ros and Olafar Arnalds. It also features gorgeous guest vocal spots from Swedish singer-songwriter Thomas Feiner, the artist (Robbie's partner) Sephine Llo, and let's not forget their daughter, Constance. 

Even though I never knew Robbie personally, my heart breaks every time I hear this album and think about the fact that he is no longer with us. He was an extremely talented artist and musician, and I'd have loved to have heard more from him. At the very least he left this masterpiece (and a few various singles) behind. For further listening, I also attached these wonderful singles below...

Stream/Download the album here :


Autumn Chorus - Long Goodby

Autumn Chorus - Snake In The Grass

Thomas Feiner & Fyfe Dangerfield & Autumn Chorus - The Rainbow (TalkTalk cover)

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