Sunday 3 April 2022

NEST: A Compilation Supporting Trans Youth and Their Families (No Thank You Recordings 2022)


GENRE : experimental, abstract, ambient, field recordings, avant-garde
RECORD LABEL : No Thank You Recordings

No Thank You Recordings have one of the best Bandcamp bios I've ever read - ''a place for ambient/avant-garde/experimental/field recording artists to share pieces they really believe in and to which others have No'' . I love it. 

No Thank You Recordings are an ambient/experimental/field recordings label, and this is their recently released charity compilation to help raise funds to support trans kids and their families through the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund - You can read their full mission statement at the Bandcamp link below...

I must say...the quality of music on this compilation is pretty damn incredible. The compilation consists of 32 tracks of wonderful (mostly) ambient/noise music from artists I've never heard of. There's a huge range of styles and moods throughout the songs, and it never gets boring or predictable.
The songs range from the abstract & atonal to the melodic & dreamy to the disturbing & creepy to the harsh & painful to just all-out weird as f**k... but the album as a whole is a joy to listen to, from beginning to end. There's lots of cool surprises in there, even a couple of pop songs and a vapourwave song!

I highly recommend you check this out. Ideally I'd like to have posted this on Bandcamp Friday...but I was super busy that day, and I wanted to actually listen to the music before writing anything about it.  


Some of my own personal highlights...

Solo1 - Sunland Drive No.2
The delightful swirling melancholic opening track of the compilation. It's quite Lynchian actually.

Mollbury Medical Research Centre - We Have Established Communication
I did a write-up for the debut MMRC album here a couple of months ago. Very disturbing and unsettling dark ambient/drone music. 

TABBY - Love Processing
A glorious electronic ambient track. It feels like being sucked up into the stars.

Cyparissus - fibi 
Gorgeous birdsong. Sometimes that's all you need to hear.

Infrasubcontra - Verdant Slant
Slow dark cinematic drone music composed from tubas, pedals and synths.

Stream/Download the compilation here...

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